Sponsorship Equals....


Corporate Promotion

When your corporate name is "in the lights" by sponsoring the 2018 UMGEOCON, your marketing team is making good things happen.  Add in an exhibit hall booth and it's win-win-win.


Conference Networking

The deal is often best sealed when attendees have a chance to chat in a relaxed environment. Everyone realizes that, and sponsors are deeply appreciated for making that possible for all who attend.


Helping Students

In 2016, UMGEOCON raised over $18,000 for scholarship programs of the participating associations. One of those who received a $1,000 scholarship through GITA was Scott Nesbit, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire.

Any profit made at UMGEOCOM is divided equally among the 7 host nonprofit organizations and returned to the geospatial community through scholarships and similar charitable programs!

In 2016, UMGEOCON sent over $18,000 back to the greater community through these programs.

Help us make 2018 even better!

Although the cut-off for Sponsors to be listed in the onsite program was May 16, UMGEOCON will recognize any sponsor who contributes up until close of business on Tuesday, May 22 through official mention at opening ceremonies and other online and onsite advertising.  Simply review options below and purchase a package without a cutoff date using the button below. 

Sponsorship Opportunities

  • No one knows your marketing needs like you do. Any item below can be bought individually, in multiples to achieve exclusivity, or bundled across types to suit your needs.  A summary table of available options is immediately below.  Details for each opportunity can be found by clicking open the respective tab below the table, or by downloading and reviewing the event sponsorship prospectus available by clicking here.
  • Extended Advertising and Display of Sponsor and Vendor Point of Contact Information: All vendors and sponsors of UMGEOCON receive an informational listing on the UMGEOCON post-event website which will remain available online for a minimum of one year.  The site for 2016 has been active since June of that year.
  • Open to Other Sponsor and Vendor Offers: Are you a potential sponsor or vendor and have other ideas about how you could contribute to making UMGEOCON an amazing event?  We are open to that possibility, so send us an email at: [email protected].





How to Purchase a Sponsorship

To hold down costs, sponsorship payments are made online using a credit card.

  1. Note the name of the sponsorship you would like to purchase on the tabs above
  2. Click the button below, and
  3. After registering to use the UW-L online payment system, make your selection and provide your credit card information.


Questions about circumstances requiring other forms of payments should be directed to:

Jenni Carlson

[email protected]

Office of Continuing Education and Extension
Morris Hall 220
1725 State St
La Crosse, WI 54601

Terms and Conditions

  • Sponsorships are assigned first-come-first-served upon payment.
  • Payment is due in full before the associated item will be assigned.
  • Refunds. UMGEOCON reserves the right to cancel a sponsorship if payment has not been made by the agreed due date. If a sponsorship is cancelled, UMGEOCON retains the right to all deposits.