Paul Senne, GISP

Abstract: Recent flooding in Texas has lead the Texas Water Development Board to look for new ways to approach rapid response to flooding. As part of this push RESPEC has worked to develop a proof of concept application to produce spatial extents of inundation from a LiDAR point cloud service set up for Houston, Texas. The approach uses the python Point Data Abstraction Library (PDAL) to request a desired slice of the point cloud and processes it with Delaunay Triangulation to tessellate a flood inundation surface, exporting it in the desired format. This talk will touch on accessing point cloud data from using PDAL and discuss the floodplain estimation process.
Bio: Mr. Senne is a GIS Developer with a background in geography, biological sciences and environmental policy. His main area of expertise is in spatial analysis and development surrounding water quantity and quality modeling; working at the crossroads of environmental policy where it meets GIS and information technology.
Contact Info:
1935 County Road B2
Suite 230
Roseville, MN 55113
Work: 651-305-2276
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