David Peck

Sr Director GIS
West Safety Services
GIS Tabular MSAG to GeoMSAG Conversion for NG9-1-1
Abstract: NG911 brings many new GIS data management considerations for coalescing, validating and utilizing data from multiple sources for location validation and geospatial call routing. This session will cover data management suggestions and best practices to ensure that Public Safety/Emergency 911 Call Centers’ data is ready for the transition. Multiple agencies have converted from tabular Master Street Address Guide (MSAG) to a GIS-based MSAG or “GeoMSAG” for geospatial based validation and call routing. Learn how creating and maintaining the “GeoMSAG” will result in operational efficiency gains as 911 address validation is driven by GIS data, eliminating redundancy and streamlining 911 data management.
Bio: David Peck focuses primarily on promoting understanding of the impact of GIS on emergency communications. He is passionate about helping the public safety community learn how to optimize GIS data within the NG911 call continuum for location validation, call routing and mapping. He has served GIS technology innovation & performance throughout 17 years’ in creating, developing & implementing GIS platforms and workflows. His is active in the GIS community serving as a two time Chairman of the California Geographic Information Association in addition to being a member of numerous GIS User Groups actively speaking about the role of GIS in state, county and local government. Education: BA, California State University, Geography-GIS.
Contact Info:
1601 Dry Creek Drive
Longmont, CO 80503
Work: 562-619-2042
Mobile: 562-619-2042