Dan Little

Front-End Engineer
Boundless Geospatial
GeoMoose 3: React! OpenLayers! XML?
Abstract: The GeoMoose project is pleased to announce it has released the third major revision of their WebGIS framework. The new version eschews its previous OpenLayers 2, PHP, and Dojo base and exercises the power of modern JavaScript! It does this without losing any of the key attributes that has always made GeoMoose an easy way to get started with FOSS4G. GeoMoose 3 can still be configured using the Mapbook XML format and setup is easier than ever. Learn how we used ES6, React, Redux, and OpenLayers 3 in way that can integrate with other libraries and make deploying a WebGIS application simple and easy! LIVE DEMO! making this a great session for those with a strong sense of schadenfreude!
Bio: Dan "Ducky" Little is an avid Open Source, Racing, and Robotics enthusiast. He has been developing open source software for more than 10 years and is the primary developer of the GeoMoose project.
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