Mark McCart

GIS Systems Architect
Dirty Data Done Dirt Cheap
Abstract: How often has your organization put forth a data collection effort only to get back a final dataset that was incomplete, incorrect or disappointing? With the advent of newer data collection technologies, agencies can find themselves in a hurry to collect the data but not put forth the resources to ensure business rules or geometry rules are met. This presentation will discuss the pitfalls of quick and easy data collections that don’t include any quality assurance/quality control processes before, during or after the data is collected. Come learn the benefits of collecting the data correctly the first time or at least having a plan to improve data has resources and time become available.
Bio: Mark McCart is a GIS Systems Architect at HNTB and is currently assigned as an embedded contractor at the Iowa Department of Transportation. He graduated from the University of Alaska Fairbanks with a degree in Geography and has over 16 years of geospatial-related experience in both the public and private sectors.
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