Danielle Golon, MA

Abstract: The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)’s Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LP DAAC) provides free and open access to remotely sensed data that can be used in many GIS applications to map and model the Earth’s surface and to monitor land changes. The LP DAAC offers efficient ways to access and download data with a wide range of temporal and spatial resolutions. This presentation is a guide to understanding the types of data the LP DAAC distributes and the availability of Data Access tools. Live demonstrations from the LP DAAC will be given on how to search, download, and customize data.

Bio: Danielle Golon is a contractor to the U.S. Geological Survey where she is a Science Communications Specialist with NASA’s Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LP DAAC). Danielle’s educational background includes two Bachelor of Arts in Geography and Environmental Studies from the University of Kansas, in 2010, and a Master of Arts in Geography with an emphasis on Latin America in 2012. She loves to talk with users about their experiences with remote sensing data. If you use any data distributed by the LP DAAC, please feel free to speak with her at the conference or email her at [email protected] to tell her about your research.

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